Based in the vibrant heart of Charlotte, North Carolina, Greenlyte Group serves as the premier destination for recruiting services across the technology, healthcare, engineering, finance and manufacturing sectors. We are dedicated to empowering clients on their journey of internal growth by offering our specialized expertise in talent acquisition.

At the core of our operations lies a commitment to excellence, where we employ a meticulous and results-driven approach to swiftly unearth top-tier talent. Our mission is to deliver not just any talent, but the perfect fit for your organization, ensuring that your growth trajectory remains unhindered by staffing challenges.



In today's dynamic landscape, technology remains a driving force reshaping businesses across virtually every sector, with a notable emphasis on transformative impacts within healthcare, engineering, and manufacturing. Our unwavering commitment is to actively participate in this ongoing evolution by equipping our clients with the finest talent available, all achieved through a streamlined and highly efficient process.

Our agility shines through as we offer versatile onboarding solutions tailored to meet diverse hiring needs. Whether it's a seamless direct hire, a strategic contract-to-hire arrangement, or temporary assignments for specialized projects, we are poised to adapt and deliver the ideal staffing solutions for our valued clients.



Greenlyte Group is dedicated to partnering with forward-thinking companies committed to nurturing and fortifying their workforce. We go beyond the conventional recruitment approach of merely aligning job descriptions with resumes. Instead, we engage in a collaborative journey with our clients to identify tailored solutions for their unique needs. Our overarching objective is to seamlessly integrate ourselves into our clients' teams, fostering enduring partnerships built on shared goals and sustained growth.



Drawing upon our extensive and diverse industry experience, we possess the versatility to navigate the entire spectrum of the workforce, covering a comprehensive range of roles. These encompass, but are by no means restricted to, positions such as Help Desk Specialists, Software Developers, System Engineers, Solution Architects, Quality Analysts, PMO Groups, Integration Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, Product Managersand beyond.

Our primary mission revolves around collaborating closely with you to identify and attract the crème de la crème of talent, strategically bolstering and expanding teams across every facet of your organization. We are not just recruiters; we are your dedicated partners in elevating your workforce to new heights.